The California Senate passed a bill this week that will allow apartment owners to evict smokers. Many apartments owners do have smoke free rules but until now there was no law that gave landlords the right to restrict smoking.
West Hollywood Mayor John Duran is disturbed by the implications of the bill. “I would oppose it, because it would give the landlords another tool to remove tenants from rent-control units,” Duran said.
If passed, the bill would go into effect on Jan. 1, 2012. However, as currently written, the bill has a provision that if a city already has a local ordinance regarding apartment smoking in place prior to that date, the city’s law would stand.
Up to this point the bill has gone largely uncontested. “I’m surprised tenants rights groups aren’t opposing it,” Duran said. “I’m sure there are a lot of residents who would like to see their neighbors removed because they smoke, but that’s not what West Hollywood is about”, according to
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[Image credit: mustafanafees]